January 31, 2014

⩤◈⩥ Penabranca X Active Culture Family ⩤◈⩥

A cosmic collaboration of pendants harnessing Earth, Moon, & Sun energy. 
You can view the full collection here.

Editorial Photos - Brandon Boyd
Graphic Art - Bruno Borges aka Penabranca 

January 26, 2014

January 25, 2014

⦿⦿⦿ Eye See You ⦿⦿⦿

In love with these ceramic pots & mugs by Amie Luczkowski Gibson.    
Pictures from her Instagram @franki_e

January 24, 2014

╭╮╭╮Forming The Blob ╭╮╭╮

Paintings & sculptures by Louise Zhang

◖◖ Twilight Mountains◗◗

Landscape paintings by Kate Shaw.

January 16, 2014

⦉⦉⦿⦿⦊⦊ The Mothership ⦉⦉⦿⦿⦊⦊

The Mothership is a vessel that guides and carries smaller vessels, usually for the purpose of inquiry and exploration.  It is a concept, which has been used in the artwork of Carly Jo Morgan as a symbol of the collective conscience form, which we, as individuals, draw creativity and inspiration from.  The whole is greater than the sum of all its parts, and as we take direction from the source, we weave a web that operates as a unifying force for all. The “Mother” represents a specific feminine, maternal, intuitive energy. On January 16th, The Mothership calls a group of female artists to come together and form a unique matrix. The ideas and insight that spring from this matrix bring us balance, strength, and renewal. 

Excited to see this curation by The Sacred Door & Dilettante tonight. Below are some pieces from the show.