August 23, 2013

⩤◈⩥ Voyeur of The Void ⩤◈⩥

Paintings by Ryan Browning.

August 15, 2013

✷ Sun Medallion ✷

Sun Medallion is a song that Kyle Thomas dreamt of. Working at a hospice clothing store years ago, the actual sun medallion fell into his hands and he felt its power! It was filmed in his hometown of Brattleboro, Vermont by friend and director Mike Wartella. Sun Medallion is a reissue from his 2008 debut "Was Dead." I love a song inspired by a thrift score! 

August 12, 2013

⎐☖⎐ Ecotopia ⎐☖⎐

Dreamscapes by Tristram Lansdowne.

August 9, 2013

⋙♦⋘ Den of Thieves ⋙♦⋘

"The quest for freedom led us far away from home. At the edge of the ocean, we found honor among thieves."

I proudly present The Den of Thieves: Heyoka Leather 2013 Fall Campaign styled by me! Look for the launch of their new website to see the full collection tomorrow. 

Photography - Alexandra Valenti
Models - Nathalie Kelley, Kelley Ash, Serena T, Stephen McCarty and Rocco de Luca
Styling - Tracy Conti McCarty aka Prism of Threads
Makeup - Debbie Gallagher
Hair - Melissa Adelaide
Shot on location in Malibu California

Below are some behind-the-scenes pictures I took of the shoot.